On the Road to a Trained Dog

What a trained dog starts to look like after only 5 weeks of work.

Zwei is shown demonstrating the training skills he had learned in the first five weeks of a ten week program. He was just 13 months old.

Up to the day this was filmed, Zwei’s exposure to this kind of noisy traffic had been limited to shopping mall parking lots and the Memorial Park in Taneytown where we sometimes train. He had never been this close to this number of people, traffic noise, busy doors or shopping carts. Despite his obvious nervousness, he remains focused on the training tasks and successfully navigates an environment that is totally foreign to him.

The deliberate training plan we began from his arrival here on April 8th of last year to this day has yielded a young dog who can be safely allowed at large in the house, be expected to behave unobtrusively while in public, and to accommodate the variety of environmental changes that each novel experience has to offer. He can be called out of play, off of distractions, away from strange dogs and to move safely in situations that most dogs are exempt from.

Much of the early imprinting we practiced while Zwei was still under the age of about 14 weeks has helped create a seamless transition to the polished, accomplished, trained dog that he is becoming. Having spent every day helping him to cope with the competing demands of distracting environments has produced mental and emotional soundness and a desire to cooperate.

And this clip is representative of only the first 5 weeks of training.

If you are not getting these results, give us a call at 410-857-0555 or contact us.